
Mathew Blades

A short video from a burnout/self-care workshop.


Mathew Blades

“If you don't set it down, you keep carrying it. Eventually, it weighs you down.”

The past has a way of repeating itself, especially the parts of our life history we want to forget but can’t. It affects home life, work, and our ability to process information effectively and connect with others healthily. Over time, an unidentifiable sense of urgency and loss can overwhelm, and the day-to-day seems unmanageable.

The phenomenon is debilitating — known as burnout — a state of chronic stress.

Mathew Blades, creator of Learned From People Who Lived It, has been where you are and knows what it takes to move beyond burnout to find renewed and sustainable inner strength. His life-altering self-care strategies and takeaway tools are foundational to success: he dedicates his time to sharing these truths with others.

“Mathew’s years of radio really show with his ability to present. This guy public speaks at one of the highest levels I have ever witnessed. He is the epitome of motivational speaking.” Willmeng Construction


  • Everything Mathew learned about selfcare happened while he ignored its value.

    “For years, I thought I could take on more at work and delve deeper into the noise of my existence to drown out the emotional pain. Eventually, it took a toll on my physical health until I came to a crossroads — either face my trauma or continue to allow it to destroy my livelihood.”

    You, like many, have a story filled with chapters of unwanted moments that you believe define you. If held too tightly and for too long, can bring harm to mental health.

    With Mathew’s teachings and strategies, you can rewrite your story, take hold of your life and live it with desire, wellbeing, laughter and purpose.

    As a powerful and vulnerable keynote speaker, Mathew uses his masterful storytelling skills and comedic timing inspiring emotion as you consider your story from a different perspective. Experience benefits from learnings of a holistic mental and spiritual retreat where he worked on his “Trauma Trilogy.”

    Through Mathew, DISCOVER your positive story, OWN it and LEAN-IN to that transitional character taking you from burnout to balance, and live a life with less stress, more meaning and better connections.

  • There’s a spoken and unspoken culture within sports and business teams. Most of us have experienced low- performing, average and good teams but have yet to identify the key differentiators.

    As a high performer for almost 30 years in his industry, Mathew brings his interactive workshop to your team.

    Together, you facilitate teamwork more effectively through better communication and how to prompt buy in and execute fundamentals flawlessly. Find the subtle differences between good and great teams, including the value of high standards vs. emotional standards. Gain individual and group takeaways that help move beyond immobile mindsets to support positive change and ongoing success!

  • Now, more than ever, schools are the center of childhood development. With record setbacks plaguing younger generations’ mental wellness, having the ability to establish supportive and attainable student-to-teacher and student-to-student relationships helps forge a better future for our schools, our families, and the greater community.

    Transform the climate and culture of your campus and provide AMPLIFIED mental health to all.

    Through audience interaction and a mock podcast recording, specifically designed for an in-school assembly, students and teachers will learn how to disarm and manage negative situations in the classroom and on school property.

    Co-Authored by upbeat psychologist Dr. Frank Bevacqua, and renowned public speaker and broadcaster Mathew Blades, this presentation dives into personal experiences in bully culture and peer victimization: the clinical facts behind it and the risks going forward without intervention.

    Give your students a “voice at the table” by integrating this learning into their education experience. They will come away with renewed purpose and mental fitness tools to actively engage selfcare at home and wherever life takes them. Collectively, participants gain a greater sense of empowerment and belonging through a community truly focused on mental wellbeing.

    With this course, watch how quickly students are eager to pursue their greatest hopes and aspirations while having FUN! Email us for a copy of the video for preview and consideration.

Imagine the power that Mathew Blades will bring your organization or special event as a keynote speaker.

Attendee Experience


    “Mathew’s presentation, energy, and message was awesome. I believe this workshop will really help our employees.”


    “The flow and take-aways where on point. More time, more sessions please. I just want more!”


    “Mathew was spot on with his advice. Just the words he used to convey his message I know he went through some deep self-analysis and discovery. Sincere and genuine.”


    “It hit home, as I know I need to work on this so that I can give to my family and job without compromising myself.”


    “He really captured my attention throughout the whole presentation. He was engaging and passionate.”


    “I left the session feeling like he was speaking directly to me. I am still thinking about everything he has said as I work to address my own needs.”


    “My favorite DJ as now become a motivational speaker and I just adore his story telling skills! He was great on the radio, but even better in person. Vulnerable and honest and so inspiring….”


    “The session with Mathew Blades was timely and EYE OPENING. His vulnerability and courage was very much appreciated. Since leaving the session I have shared it with nearly a dozen people.”


    This was a great reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves. What do we do as educators requires a lot from us so we need to be in a constant refilling cycle. His passion and vulnerability were authentic and impactful.