John Shufeldt, Living Life to the Fullest with Tolerance and Perspective

LFPWLI: John Shufeldt, Living Life to the Fullest with Tolerance and Perspective 

In this episode, Mathew and John discuss “fragile perfects”, the challenges of getting out of your current circumstances, and how it’s often the small things that make the biggest impact

John Shufeldt is a practicing physician, author, speaker, business founder, and healthcare consultant to tribal hospitals. Above all, he is a lifelong learner who surrounds himself with the right people and knows how to live his life to the fullest.

 “You better enjoy every day, and if you're not enjoying every day you better find a way to get there”

In this episode, you'll hear: 

  • How to go beyond your self-imposed limits

  • 3 things John has learned from being an emergency physician

  • The importance of perspective and humor 

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* This podcast is not meant to serve as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, and is not a substitute for therapy.


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